About the Pastor
Pastor Frank J. Hines, Jr. was born in Jacksonville, Florida, to Frank and Bertha Hines. The second of seven children, he completed high school at Andrew Jackson Senior High in 1974. After high school, he joined the United States Army in 1976. He served in the armed forces for over 25 years. He received numerous awards and commendations for military service and his leadership abilities. While in Europe, he attended the University of Maryland, European Division, and Emory Riddle University, pursuing a career in aviation. His Army career brought him to Ft. Meade, where he became a member of Community Baptist Church in 1981.
Pastor Hines served in several ministries at the Community Baptist Church, including Sunday School teacher, Vacation Bible School teacher, Young Adult Choir, Missionary ministry, Superintendent of Sunday School, and Spiritual Leader of Christian Education. Under his leadership, the Christian Education ministry was reorganized to provide training for ministries in the local church. Under his administration, a scholarship ministry was established, and $5,000.00 of the church's Family Day proceeds was earmarked for scholarships. Since its inception, the scholarship ministry has awarded over $100,000.00 to deserving students. In September 1994, he was ordained as a Deacon. In March 1996, he was licensed to preach the gospel. In February 2002, he was ordained as a Minister and installed as Pastor in April 2007.
Pastor Hines received his B.A. degree from United Baptist College and Seminary in 2004. He is a member of the Baptist Minister's Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, the Baltimore Pastors Conference, the United Baptist Missionary Convention, and the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
He has been married to the former Sherileen Williams for 42 years, and from this union, they have one daughter, Ebonie, and a Grandson, Caiden.